Sunday, April 17, 2011

Engagement Nights

No. 1 Wedding Planner will be hosting an engagement night.

May 1, 2011


320 N. Magnolia Ave

Orlando, FL 32801


Drinks, Music, Food, and Local Wedding Vendors

Busy and Not Complaining....

We are all settled in to the new office. Here are a couple pictures of wedding we did in March and April. Enjoy...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

We are Open!

We are moved in and ready to help your wedding day be as stress free as possible.
No. 1 Wedding Planner
320 N. Magnolia Ave, Suite B7
Orlando, FL 32801

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

As I sit and reflect on the past year, I must say I have been truly blessed. Blessed to have been apart of so many of your lives. To all my 2009 Newlywed's...

May today's love burn brightly, may tomorrow's love polish your lives, and many years from now, may your hearts be warmed by the glow of a flame the never died.

---Sally Clark

Congrats D & D

It was my first time at Casa Feliz and it was amazing.